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CBD also known as Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring compound, just one of 113+ cannabinoids that have been identified in Cannabis plants. It has been reported to have many beneficial effects for many different conditions. Some conditions have conclusive scientific evidence of its efficacy. Lots of conditions have plenty of anecdotal reports online with research in early stages.

It comes from Cannabis, and more specifically can be sourced from both Hemp as well as Mari-juana which are both in the Cannabis Sativa species. There are other strains/subspecies like Indica and Ruderalis though CBD sourced from these are not as common. Most commercially available CBD comes from Hemp. Pharmaceutical grade CBD is usually derived from mari-jauana as well as hemp. There are constant debates about hemp vs. mari-juana. One is not better than the other. Different strains, chemovars/chemotypes of each have different use cases and their effectiveness depends on the individual and their own endocannabinoid system.

THC is Tetrahydrocannabinol which is the psychoactive compound that makes you feel ‘high’. For some people it causes anxiousness and paranoia. CBD has been shown to mitigate some of those effects though some people still experience them if they are sensitive. If your CBD is sourced from Hemp, it generally contains less than 0.3% of THC which is mandated by various countries legislation. If it is sourced from mari-juana, it generally has a high THC content, sometimes as high as 1:20 (CBD:THC) with many different ratios eg: 1:1, 20:1, 10:1, 1:20 etc. This is important to know if you are worried about employment where you are drug tested or drive a lot. Most hemp is bred for a high CBD content and very low THC. Most mari-juana is bred with a high THC content and low/medium CBD. Whether you choose to get a Hemp based CBD or a Mari-juana based CBD is up to you. Most commercially available CBD oils are nearly always sourced from Hemp unless it is made by a pharmaceutical company.

CBD has been known to have plenty of positive benefits for both humans and animals. Below is just a short list of ailments it has reportedly been helpful for (both anecdotal and research based): Epilepsy, Anxiety, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers/Dementia, Bipolar Disorder, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic and neuropathic pain, Chemotherapy related (nausea, pain, fatigue, appetite), general mood and well being, sleep/insomnia and many more. Of course, everyone is different and CBD may not work for you and your condition. There is still a lot of research that needs to be done and its possible use cases are constantly expanding. We encourage you to do your own research.